Saturday, November 05, 2005

Just can't stop admiring my ownself

Did this handwriting analysis online here and the following is the result

For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Sanjukta has left lots of white space on the all four borders of the paper. Sanjukta fills up just the center area of the page. If this is true, then Sanjukta has a particular shyness toward people and a fear of moving too fast in any direction. In some cultures, respecting people, rules, and adhering to protocol are ways of life. The right side of the page represents the future and the left side represents the past. Sanjukta seems a bit stuck in the middle, afraid to take action. Sanjukta seems to have a fear of looking bad or of crossing boundries. It will be easy to work with Sanjukta on a team, because Sanjukta will usually follow the rules. However, this desire to respect the boundries can often be construed as a lack of confidence and people will walk over Sanjukta if she is not careful.

Sanjukta exaggerates about everything that has a physical nature. Although she may not intend to deceive or mislead, she blows things way out of proportion because that is the way she views them. She will be a good story teller. This exaggeration relates to all areas of her material world. Sanjukta allows many people into her life because she is accepting and trusting. She is sometimes called gullible by her friends. That only really means that she trusts too many people. Sanjukta has a vivid imagination.

Sanjukta has a healthy imagination and displays a fair amount of trust. She lets new people into her circle of friends. She uses her imagination to understand new ideas, things, and people.

Sanjukta is very self-sufficient. She is trying not to need anyone. She is capable of making it on her own. She probably wants and enjoys people, but she doesn't "need" them. She can be a loner.

Sanjukta has a temper. She uses this as a defense mechanism when she doesn't understand how to handle a situation. Temper is a hostile trait used to protect the ego. Temper can be a negative personality trait in the eyes of those around her.

Sanjukta is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect her ego when she feels hurt. She pokes people harder than she gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.

Sanjukta has very high goals. She has many big dreams that will be difficult to make happen. One way for Sanjukta to make these dreams become reality is to surround herself with people that do not have as much "vision", but have the ability to see these projects through. Sometimes she has a new and better dream every day, thus forgetting about yesterday's plans. Sanjukta's plans can be extremely successful only if she sees them through. She dreams of great things. Sanjukta will be more successful if she sets her goals more realistically. Her goals are so high that she will have a hard time reaching them. It only takes a small stroke adjustment to bring these dreams from the dream stage to reality. She is self confident. She believes these dreams can be achieved and she is the person to do it. This belief in herself leads her to over-sell her abilities. She is capable of great things, just not always as great as she makes them seem to be.

In reference to Sanjukta's mental abilities, she has a very investigating and creating mind. She investigates projects rapidly because she is curious about many things. She gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but she soon must slow down and look at all the angles. She probably gets too many things going at once. When Sanjukta slows down, then she becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, she must slow down to do it. She then decides what projects she has time to finish. Thus she finishes at a slower pace than when she started the project. She has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. Her mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. She can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Sanjukta can then switch into her low gear. When she is in the slower mode, she can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. She is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.

Sanjukta will be candid and direct when expressing her opinion. She will tell them what she thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want her opinion, don't ask for it!

Sanjukta is moderately outgoing. Her emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, she can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others. She has the ability to put herself into the other person's shoes. Sanjukta will be somewhat moody, with highs and lows. Sometimes she will be happy, the next day she might be sad. She has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because she is in between. Psychology calls Sanjukta an ambivert. She understands the needs of both types. Although they get along, she will not tolerate anyone that is too "far out." She doesn't sway too far one way or the other. When convincing her to buy a product or an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal to her. She puts herself in the same situation as the person in the story, yet she will not buy anything that seems overly impractical or illogical. Sanjukta is an expressive person. She outwardly shows her emotions. She may even show traces of tears when hearing a sad story. Sanjukta is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically. She weighs both sides of an issue, sits on the fence, and then will decide when she finally has to. She basically doesn't relate to any far out ideas and usually won't go to the extreme on any issue.

People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Sanjukta doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.


insane said...

hi..nice post...i am sort of scared of u..;-)..anyways i would like to have my handwriting analysed too someday..sounds interesting...also thanx for dropping in by my blog...

Anonymous said...

r u gay

KAD said...

I happen to pursue graphology as a hobby and many times the online graphology tests don't really do justice. No two handwritings can ever be alike and one just tends to approximate his/her handwriting to the nearest option and by the end of 20 steps you would have approximated it 20 times, increasing the degree of error.

Reading a book on the same would be more useful, if interested.